Thursday, March 29, 2012

is it worth it

I didn't commit to going to Mexico until last minute so I didn't build myself up or plan much. I came down to be available, to fill in as things seemed to open up.
When we drove in to the base camp, good memories came back to me from 4 years ago. There's an oasis style parking area, clean surroundings, clean rooms, everything we need. Then a thorough orientation by the mission's missionary, Mike and family. This is one of the highlites as it is informative, as well as instructional.
This is my second trip with Casa DeLuz - Go Missions to Mexico, so I had an understanding of what was in store for me for culture etc. My topic is mostly about my experience with our own folks. If you are reading the blogs you are connecting with many of the folks.
Tarena and Tim Beckham's family of 4 boys and a girl. It is so nice to watch a young family, that can roll with the ups/downs as they serve Him. Jon Hutchenson, the guy that turns out to be a a teddy bear of a guy that kids gravitate to, he is patient with those that need it most and gives positive words to those that need it. He has become a great help in mentoring Ryan.
Sallie is refreshing her knowledge of Spanish, and shared her sweet spirit to all. Pat Smith, the head cook, the imaginative and gourmet meals are fantastic. The young adults, swinging the little kids onto their shoulders, piggy back runs, chasing the kids around. "The skit" - the meaningful Skit, not just acting, but a flow and chemistry that made you feel the impact of Christ in our lives if you make HIM number one. Hunter won't be the same, the young Mexican teen girls found out he is 12, I thought he shyly and inwardly might be enjoying run 'from' them as they swooned over him and his golden wavy hair, all for the glory of God I'm sure. Gary, Geri, Barb, Greg, Melissa the experienced hands at this trip with Brandon - what workerbees for the Lord, with help of many, another successful VBS program. I even got involved as I used my few Mexican words, bonita (beautiful), bueno (good), mas (more) etc..... as they made there crafts all for the name of Jesus.
The first message by my son Brandon, I am proud of him for the leadership role, the delegating role and the quiet spirit he has to honor God in this way, then to add to it, an hour message about-- religion is not what we worship, the church is not -- what we are to worship is the person of Jesus Christ - to have a 'relationship' with Him. Something we all should remind ourselves regularly, we have pride in what we can see and touch but we 'HAVE' JESUS as the number one of our life.
who did I forget, oh myself, an old timer now, ouch.
I'm still not sure what I gave to the mission trip, I had the honor to drive one of the church vans, to work on removing shingles from a roof, to wind wire onto rebar metal, to cut crafts and assemble them with little kids. To eat with fellow Christians, to become close to them, to pray with them to sing with them, to weep with them to raise our hands, voices and hearts to our JESUS together. To openingly commune, verbalize and witness the Name of Jesus with them. I cleaned floors, washed dishes, burned the garbage, took the food garbage to the pit, sat with them, discuss things with them.
So Jesus-- what did you want me to give to the Mexico people or the CCC people for that matter?
I recieved so much that to figure out what I was to give is hard, but I recieved much, I was served by fellow Christians of both colors, I was fed by Christians of both colors, I was blessed by Christians of both colors.
The topping of all was Sayda's service of ministering to the Women of the community. To be asked to study with her, a burning question that they asked-- Is wearing a dress in church a New Testament directive? It reminds me of a few decades ago, coming out of Illinois largest Sunday School in the world. They maintained the premise - women must wear a dress in service. It would be interesting to know if that is still required today. So my view of scripture was it was not required - but we were reminded by Paul, when meeting with someone with different customs, we are to humble ourselves and participate within that custom so to not be a stumbling block or arrogant.
Half of us got a 24 ish hour bug of some sort, a nausance and not fun but at least generally able to get thru it one by one.
Then the heartfelt/tearful good-byes on Thursday of new found friends - friends that were not looking only at us as Americans but more importantly 'Fellow Christians'.
So I left, believing I helped, believing it was a valuable and worth while trip. Becoming 'close' traveling friends with my existing American/Canby friends. To be blessed by the young adults Van riding fun, to hear them sing, talk, support, encourage each other in there own way. To see them grow as they, as much as anyone, LOVED the people and especially the little kids, that they even called their own.
Yes it was time well spent, it was rewarding and it was good.

-- Ron Chase

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