Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yep...we're leaving for Mexico in one week!

I totally can't believe it.

This week has gone SO FAST for me (it has gone SO SLOW for Tim)...only because we were snowed in(8-12 in.?), lost power and the kids got into the linen closet last week and pulled every linen and blanket out...then when I told them to put it away, they put it all on the dirty clothes in the laundry room. I am now just catching up and the laundry room has been tamed.

I really like to be on top of the laundry.
And the dishes.

If I'm not, the whole house can go chaotic on me in .5 seconds.
I'm not kidding.

So, now that I'm not climbing laundry mountains, I suddenly find that it is THURSDAY!?! What?! When did that happen? Seriously, I had no idea what day it was...Tim had to remind me yesterday that it was Wednesday when I told the kids it was Tuesday. lol.
So, all that to say-I can hardly believe we will be leaving in one week.

One. Week.

Things are all coming together and I am amazed at how the Lord provides. Just when I start to stress a bit, He reminds me that He is in control and that this whole process is part of the experience-and just for good measure He makes sure another support check arrives in the mail that day.

I love it.

Here are some of our supplies...

Yes, when you are going to be driving a total of 60 hours in a van with 5 kids, you buy an "on the go potty" (pretty cool actually!) and sanitizer.
I found these on and I am totally excited about the sanitizer as it is made without alcohol. Totally out of natural products (like plant oils) and STILL kills 99.99% bad bacteria.

Yep, God rocks. He gives us so many plants to keep us healthy!

Here are a few of the other food products we are taking...although, one is "hair conditioner", one is for salads and one is for "sunblock". (Yes, there will be plenty of food, we just eat a lot of salads, so we are bringing some extras so we don't hog all the dressings!)

If you are thinking "Granola Mama" right about now-or that I'm a bit looney... it's ok...I'm used to it! =)
(oh, and I did consider making a batch of grain free granola for the road, but it takes a while...and we eat it too fast, so I think I'm going to skip it this time...I do hope to make some homemade beef jerky this week though! I do love Tim...and he LOVES jerky!)

I have been pleasantly surprised at how much easier it will be than I originally thought to continue to eat the way we do normally at home. This seemed like a HUGE undertaking (or impossible?!), but with getting a chance to see the meal plan last month and by bringing a few things as substitutes, it will all work out just fine! 

We would love any and all prayers for us as we prepare the final things this last week. When I remember that the Lord is in control and that it will all come together, I am really peaceful about this next week...only occasionally have I had a tense moment as I think about packing our family of 7 for this mission trip!

Serving Him,


  1. You will want to take that on the go potty with you each day and use it yourself. I know at one outhouse we used, it had no seat, just bare wood with a hole in it. I wasn't something you wanted to sit on. I wish I'd thought of that when I was going on the trips!

  2. Thanks Danelle!
    I will do that! It is a great little even comes with a case, so that should be helpful...and it was only $10! Nice!
