Thursday, March 1, 2012

oh my goodness-are we leaving in 3 weeks???!!!

Yes, that thought just hit me.

Three weeks. Twenty one days.

Things are coming together slowly, but then a random thought will hit me:

"Can I take fruit into CA? What about Mexico? I better google that." 
"Oh, we are going to the beach one we all have swimsuits? Am I even going to pull out my old swimsuit??? Oy."

Thankfully, most of the issues have been google-solveable (yes, I made up that word...I make up a lot of words). We did have some issues with Abbi's passport. Her's didn't come with everyone else (although they did arrive in a quick manner! PTL!) About a week after all of ours arrived we got a letter that was telling us that her name is too long (she has a double middle name) and so they want us to write in a shorter version. The funny part was the letter addressed her with a shorter version, there was no indication on the forms to use less letters and when the passport did arrive another couple weeks later, they didn't even use the form we wrote in...they shortened it a different way. Ah...gotta love it!

Something fun that we did was we had a party at our house for anyone on the team that could make it-it was so much fun! Tim worked on putting a video together from the footage we took while we played some games-this team is hilarious! (You can see the video in the post below.) Although the whole team couldn't make it, it was a great turn out and we had a great time.

I have ordered a few things that we will need to help keep us as healthy as possible on our trip, and I do still have few more things to pick up. I'm kind of dreading packing for all of us...I've gotten pretty good over the years at packing up our family for trips, but for a mission trip...and with us trying to eat as close to normal GAPS as possible, it is going to be interesting! Pray for me!

Thankfully, the team has been so supportive (it does help that we are not the only ones with different dietary needs!) and I was even emailed the planned list of meals so that I can figure out what we can eat ahead of time!

I could list some of the things we are taking...would that bore you? Let me know if you would like to read about that and I can list some of the items! Let's just say that we won't be bringing any Pepto-Bismol or sunblock...but we will be bringing clay...

Are you shocked?? Confused?

In addition to some of the health items/supplements we will be bring we are also trying to "up" our consumption of fermented veggies (homemade sauerkraut, kimchee, etc) as it also has great probiotics to keep our tummies healthy and hopefully give us a better chance at not getting sick! Let us pray! Some other things we are trying to do: get out in the sunshine a bit more, carrying Hudson around in the SleepyWrap a bit more and of course praying for our trip and learning some Spanish...but I know the few words that I do know are not going to be much of a help! lol!

Well, there seems like so much more to share...but hopefully I can get to that in another post.

Here is a pic of Hudson (in the wrap!) and I early this morning enjoying all our snow:

In twenty something days we will be in Mexico...that is going to be a huge change of weather!

Serving Him,

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