Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This trip has been absolutely nothing like I had imagined in so many ways....... After traveling for two days from Canby to Baja California, we arrived at our destination (near Camalu) and everyone got out of the vans and truck......except me. I was paniced because I couldn't find my purse (with my passport, driver's license, debit card, over $200 in cash plus other ID's and things that I couldn't even remember). With tears in my eyes that I couldn't hold back, I climbed out of the van to come face to face with Mike "Miguel" Fink, the director of Go Missions To Mexico, the compound where we are staying. Brandon asked me what was wrong and I told him I couldn't find my purse....and our group formed a circle (with Mike) and prayed that it would be found. Mike went to his office along with Susan, Melissa, Robin, Ron and me. Mike and the girls got on the phones looking up international numbers for Chase Bank, Burger King (where we had lunch in Ensenada, the Ensenada police. The Spanish speakers, Mike, Susan and Melissa began making calls.....while I stood there in a daze. Mike told me that he hated to be the bearer of bad news, but chances were slim that I would ever see my purse again. I went to my room in the dorm area when the gals I was rooming with had already unpacked my luggage and set up my area and made my bed. Feeling pretty "low" I went to the kitchen (where I was supposed to be helping Pat and Geri prepare our first meal)....and Merry and Michelle Doty were taking my place and helping them......They told me that they had just prayed that God would protect my purse and it's contents. I went back to my room to unpack the rest of my things....and just a few minutes later I heard all this yelliing and clapping hands out in the dining room, so I stepped out of my room to see what was going on....and Mike, the director, had come over from his office and said the Ensenada Police had called back......retrieved my purse from Burger King.....and was holding it at a police substation in Ensenada. We were all hugging (and I was crying) and praising God. IT WAS A MIRACLE for sure!! It was on a Sat. and we couldn't pick it up intil Monday, so we were just praying that my passport and driver's license.....and the important things were in tact in my purse......We doubted the money would be there, but still we didn't doubt that God cares and can perform miracles. We had a great Sat. evening and Sunday was amazing at the little church in Triki where we are doing our work this week. I have never given a testimony in front of a group of people, but I gave a testimony in front of the whole church of sweet Mexican people AND our missions group....and Sayda translated for me.....and I read Prov. 3:5 & 6 in Spanish .....and I just felt on cloud "9" that night! The music was wonderful and the little Mexican girls dancing to the praises of God with their tamborines were like little angels......and the worshipers sitting in front of me praising God with all of their hearts.....well, I had tears in my eyes most of the evening while I sat there feeling God surrounding me. Brandon's message that night was amazing.....and the tamale dinner and love and fellowship that the Mexican folks lavished on us was like a dream. So much love and kindness and smiles just radiated from their happy faces. Well, Monday dawned and Greg Newman offered to drive me up to Ensenada (a great sacrifice beings it is a 2 1/2 hour drive from Camalu) along with Susan Dunfee (to translate for us) and PC came along, too. First we went to Burger King to thank them for holding my purse for the police to pick up.....then to the police station that they said had it.....That station said they didn't have it, but called around and found the station that had it.......We drove to where we thought they told us (by their directions) and that police station directed us back to a 3rd police station. Well, the third substation DID have it.....and as soon as we told them who we were, they seemed so excited to go to a filing cabinet in their little tiny office and unlock it.......and as he, the officer, was getting it out.....I saw it and started crying again! He (Antonio Gonzalez Lopez, the officer who went to Burger King and got my purse) brought it to the counter and had me open it and get everything out so he could write down what was in there, so I could sign papers that everything was there. EVERYTHING was there plus I had more cash than I realized I even brought with me..... and even my Fisherman's License was in there that I got when I first started going to Canby Christian Church six years ago!!....my most important license! The other policemen (Humberto Duran Duran and Ariel Carrillo Gastelum) on duty that day were all smiling and happy and fun and funny and we took pictures and hugged and laughed. The people at all three police stations were trying so hard to help us in every way.....and the officers that gave me my purse particularly melted any doubt I may have had in the honesty of the people of Baja in general.....in the Mexican fast food restaurant.....within the police department......and after meeting the people in the church and in the neighborhoods where we are evangeliziing. Today has been amazing in our evangelizing in Triki. Brandon pretty much covered our group in his blog, but I stood in amazement as the young gal accepted Christ right there with her little kids running around her yard.....and dogs wandering around, the sun beating down.....and God right there in our midst. While Sayda was praying with her, Rich and Brandon and I looked up and two white doves were flying over us. Whew..... I can't express each day's events and happenings in this blog because you may have already shut me down 20 lines back. I just sincerely and whole heartedly express my gratitude to God, my team buddies on this trip, the people of Baja......but mostly my God! Thank you, God. You are more than words can express!

My love to all of you who are praying for us (and everyone else, too!),
Sallie Palafox


  1. I don't know why the yellow white-outs when I hit "post"....Sallie

  2. Sallie, what an amazing testimony, but even more, what an amazing God we serve. I know the fear that comes with losing a wallet or purse with all of our important information in it and God knows how to make the seemingly impossible, possible. This has brought your team together in prayer, given you a testimony to share with many people and you touched the lives of the policemen you came in contact with. God has used this circumstance to further your work there - even if it wan't quite the way you planned it! Keep up your work there and we will continue to pray for you. Dave & Debbie Howard
