Saturday, March 10, 2012

Road Trip Treats

I am getting really excited for the fun things that the kids are going to get to do on the road!

A sweet friend of mine (Melissa, or Lissa online) sent the kids a whole package of goodies to keep them busy:
  • Personalized folders with printed out games (included are some awesome road games!), coloring book, crayons, mechanical pencil and stickers.
  • Coloring book for Hudson (little kid version)
  • Word games for Tim
  • Scrapping and crafting magazines for me
  • Silly Puddy for each of us
  • Glow in the dark bracelets/necklaces....a set for each of us and each package has 15!

Then I went to the Dollar Tree to pick up a few things (I also knew that they would come in handy for homeschooling stuff-but I still only spent $25!)
I got them:
  • Bucket and Shovel (multi-purposeful: garbage bucket for each of them, puke bucket if needed (yes, we have to plan for this! lol!) and we will be going to the beach as a team on the last day, so it will be fun!
  • Pencil holders (to keep some of this stuff in!)
  • Mini clip-boards
  • Glue sticks...cuz, really-can you ever have too many???
  • Pipe cleaners (they are quiet and you can create so much with them!)
  • Googley eyes
  • Mini staplers (I had one as a kid an LOVED it!)
  • Magnifying glasses (we have old maps we are going to give the older kids to keep track of where we are...if they want...but who wouldn't?! Maps are awesome! Can you say co-pilot? =)
  • Bible Game Cards
  • Clip on reading light (this was for Keaton in case he wants to read or co-pilot while it is dark)
  • And yes...I did give them band-aids...these are a treat for our kids (I think most kids, right?!?)...they just love to stick them all over themselves. =)
THEN my mom just sent up a box of tons of activity and sticker books too! They are going to have so much fun! (And yes...if there are any "big kids" who will be on the trip with can ride with us...we will share! Just tell everyone that you wanted to give Tarena a break from all those kids and are "crowd control"...we won't let them know that you really just want to play with the Silly Puddy! lol!)

The coolest part of all this (besides the wonderful generosity of Lissa and my mom-thanks you guys!), was while we were in The Dollar Tree an older man came up to Tim with the kids (I was in a different isle trying to keep their road trip toys a surprise), and said that he wanted to give him $5 in memory of his son who had passed away.

I feel like that is just one of those "George Mueller" moments (you'll have to read an earlier post if you don't know what this means)...God is so faithful and provides for this trip (and every part of our lives) in so.many.ways.

Thank you Lord.

Serving Him,

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