Team Members

Here they are! Please keep us all in your prayers!

Brandon & Ryan Chase

(Ryan is in the brown hoody...if you couldn't figure it out!)
Why are you going? I participate in this trip for two reasons. First, I feel that there is a lot of spiritual needs in the country of Mexico and I believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit we can spread the Word of God to people who need to hear it. Secondly, I love to introduce members of our church to missions, in the hope that this will impact their lives and they will develop a desire to continue serving others locally or around the world.
How has God provided? The Lord has always provided for our family's needs and I feel blessed to be able to serve him through missions.
How many years? This will be my 12th mission trip to Mexico. My 8th time leading the Spring Break trip to the San Quintin Valley in Baja California.

Ron Chase
Why are you going? Because my eldest and youngest and oldest and smartest and shortest and tallest son requested my presence. So I'm sure it was God speaking through him that I am going.
How has God provided? God has provided the job and funds that I have so I have the opportunity to go.
How many years? This is the third Mexico trip I have been on. This is going to be good-driving my passengers crazy as we call ourselves the holy rollers.

Gary & Geri Dunfee
Why are you going? (Geri:) I want to serve Christ with my whole heart..He has given me a desire to share Him with the Mexican people...before I even started going on mission trips he had started to prepare me by giving me a a desire to learn the Spanish language. At that time I was working as a teachers aid with the ESOL kids in the Oregon City high school, some of my favorite kids were from various parts of Mexico. I guess this also answers part of the second question...
How has God provided? He has opened doors for me as I have prepared for this trip over several year I needed surgery before the trip and I feared that I wouldn't heal in time to go..but He was faithful and I was able to go on the trip...that was the first one of the Spring break trips. There are too many other times God has smoothed my path to mention here in preparation for service.
How many years? I have been fortunate enough to attend all 7 (this year will be #8) of the Spring break trips, I attended one of the high school trips as a driver, and I attended 2 or 3 trips in the fall that had a medical purpose with a health clinic.

Why are you going? (Gary:) Sometimes like a good soldier I follow commands. Geri was able to go on a couple of the summer trips to the orphanage, while I had work. I always regretted not being able to go with her. Work just wouldn’t allow my taking vacation when they occurred. When Brandon started gathering people for a spring break trip I found that I could get time off for that trip, IF I scheduled it at the end of November. I didn’t know how I would be used there.  I couldn’t speak any Spanish. I went on faith and  “orders” with the hope that I could be of some use.
 Luke 14:23 Then the master said to the servant, ‘Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
 When we arrived on that first trip, there were some men wiring re-bar parts together. I went over and watched for a minute. A very short man next to me was having difficulty pulling the parts together I put my hands to work helping him. We just smiled at each other and I ended up learning some re-bar tying skills. Friends! Brandon doesn’t care for me saying that these trips were the best vacations that I have taken, but they were. No stress! Worked hard, played hard with the kids and adults. Ever play soccer with a 1 pound rock? The trips are good stress relief! And for complying with the great commission.

Sayda & Lupita Wickman 
(pictured above also)

Susan Dunfee
(holding Hudson)
Why are you going? It's a blessing to be able to serve others, meet, become better acquainted and grow with other Christians in our group as well as the Missionaries and Church members in Mexico. It's also very fun!

 How has God provided? God has allowed me to have the financial resources, with support from my parents the first few years, and get the vacation time to be able to go each year. It's also a wonderful experience to be able to share with my parents.

How many years? I've gone with the Church's Spring Break Mexico Missions trip every year it's existed. You'll have to ask some of the other regulars, like my parents, Barb, Greg and Anca Newman and Brandon Chase how many years that's been as I don't remember. I wanted to go with the youth summer group in 2002, but found a job right before they left, after being unemployed for 3 months, so was unable to go that year.

Greg, Barb & Anca Newman

Why are you going? (Anca:) I feel that this is God's calling!
How has God provided? God has always provided a way for me to go! And I love going!
How many years? This will be my 8th trip with this group!

Tim, Tarena, Keaton, Abbi, Jackson, Auston & Hudson B.
Why are you going? It has been a lifelong dream to take our kids on a mission trip to be able to serve others and see how privileged and blessed we are in our country. To obey the Lord and share about the Hope only Jesus can bring is an honor and we are so excited!
How has God provided? Wow-God has poured in blessings from others who are praying for us and have given us pop cans to cash in, or even just handed us money at just the right moment.
How many years? This is our first trip with this church and with our kids! Third time to Mexico for Tarena, fifth time for Tim.

Connor Southerton
Why are you going? Because I believe that God was calling me to be in Mexico with this team this year. 
How has God provided? God has provided for me by helping to provide the funds for this trip to be possible.
How many years? This will be my second time in Mexico on a missions trip.

Geoff Barrett
Why are you going? I'm going because I love working with kids and youth, and so this is a great way to use the gifts that God has given me.
How has God provided? God has provided a way to reach so much of my family who were opposed to His name before! Among them, my late grandfather Jack, who's life I'll be celebrating this year as I travel again to Mexico.
How many years? I have been going now for four years.

Hunter Dublin

Isaac Williams

Adam, Michelle & Merry Doty
(Michelle on left, Adam in green and Merry next to him)
Why are you going? (Adam:) I am going on this trip to be used by God in a way I find fun, difficult, and rewarding.
How has God provided? God has provided me with a flexible job that gives me the funds and the time to go.
How many years?  This will be my fifth year and I know God in going to have me do something new that I would not be able to do without him.
Why are you going? (Michelle:) I'm going to Mexico because I love being able to serve God there. He reveals Himself to me in amazing ways and it is so awesome to see Him moving in everyone.
 How has God provided? God has completely provided for me by bringing jobs my way and the only reason I'm going is because of Him.
How many years? I've been to Mexico 4 times before so this will be my 5th year. 
Why are you going? (Merry:)  I am going to Mexico and I am so happy about it! I have wanted to go for the past several years when other members of my family have gone, but it was this year that GOD finally told me through my parents that it is time for me to go! :) HE has made my desire to serve greater than that of my personal comfort and I am trusting HIM to continue giving me that desire throughout the trip. 
How has God provided? HE provided a great guardian for me and HE also provided the funds as Michelle said earlier. HE is so good!
How many years? It will be my 2nd year going on this trip but last time I was with my family and only 11. It is going to be so different!

Sallie Palafox
Why are you going? I'm going because I am eager to see firsthand God's work on a mission field...and within a group and to be a part of that.
How has God provided? The "provision" is from my saving's acct!
How many years? This is my first mission trip of any kind.

Pat Smith
(she is on the left...gotta find a better picture of her!)
Why are you going? Because God said so.
How has God provided? God has provided everything I need to go.
How many years? This will be my 7th mexico trip.

David (PC) Weitzel

Michael Harrington

Robin Brooks
Why are you going? I am going because God has put a desire to serve him and I have got to know several people in Baja. And each year it is a special joy to connect up with them and serve with the Canby team members.
How has God provided? I always get more out of it than I contribute. God is awesome how he works in my life and others, such a joy to see God operate. Each year we experience problems, but our God is greater than those problems and it gives us an opportunity to trust Him.
How many years? I have been going down there for 6 years.

Melissa & Kyra Renner
(Mel and Kyra are on the left together)
Why are you going? (Kyra:) i love the mexico mission since i learned about god i always love him.
How many years? 10 years counting this one.

Why are you going? (Melissa:) I am going to Mexico because this is what God has put on my heart; to use my language in a way that is pleasing to him, to teach women and children to pray, and just shine for Jesus
How has God provided? Wow-God is amazing i do not drive and finances have always been a hard spot for me yet somehow by his grace i always have been able to come.
How many years? I have been Blessed to say that i have traveled with both our summer and spring trip for 10 years now.

Jon Hutchinson
Why are you going? Partly because Brandon kept hounding me, and then I seemed to feel some kinda motivation to go, maybe a calling??? anyway sounded like a fun adventure. I have know idea where I am going, or what I am doing. I am just going. possibly the coolest thing i ever done.
How has God provided? God has made it possible in every way, knocking down all the obstacles that could have prevented me frome going.
How many years? never gone before.

Richard Brubaker

Chris Miller
(yea...that was the best facebook had)

Betsy Thomas

Chris Roske

Sarah Vasnik

Why are you going? I'm going on this trip because my heart is in Mexico. Both my brothers went on the trip before and had a blast. I always thought it sounded fun but this year God has really put in on my heart and mind to go.
How has God provided? First of all God has provided the funds for me to go on this trip. Never would have been able to go without all the blessings He has given me. He has also been preparing my heart for several years now, giving me a passions for kids and Mexico.
 How many years? This will be my 4th time to Mexico! I have been on the CCC summer trip 3 times before.