Sunday, April 1, 2012

Adam, please restart the countdown at 355.

Those of you that are friends with Adam Doty on Facebook know exactly what this title means, those of you that aren't should be his friend.

The biggest problem with doing a countdown is that eventually it gets to zero and then whatever it is that you were anticipating seems to pass by so quickly. That is certainly the case with this year's trip to Mexico. So many wonderful things happened, I can't even remember all the things I would like to share with you, but I will try to share a few of the more memorable things that happened (from my perspective).

1) "Depart from me, for I never knew you." These scary words from Jesus were the at the center of the message that I shared at the first outreach service, the first message (sermon) that I have ever done. In a nutshell, the point I was trying to make was that Jesus wants so much for us to have a personal relationship with him that our salvation depends on it. Doing good deeds and participating in the rituals of religion do not equal a personal relationship with Jesus.

2) The young adults put together a skit for the outreach service, and ended up being asked to do it 3 additional times. This skit was so impactful, it brought many to tears and got a well deserved applause at the end each time. Thank you Adam Doty, Merry Doty, Isaac Williams, Connor Southerton, Betsy Thomas, Chris Roske & Chris Miller. You did an excellent job, I am very proud of you. You can watch the skit at

3) The youth outreach services - Geoff Barrett & Adam Doty did such a good job. Personal testimonies by Connor Southerton, Sarah Vasnik, Chris Miller & Isaac Williams were so impactful and really allowed them to connect with their Mexican audience. Adam did a really good message about the meaning of the skit and the importance of calling on Jesus. Geoff tied it all together with a message about preparing for the race...and finishing.

4) Betsy Thomas shared with our group at the meeting before we departed for Mexico that she had to choose between going on the trip or traveling with her family to visit her brother who just graduated from Air Force training. She hasn't been able to see him for a few months and it will be several more before she will have another chance. I know this had to be a hard decision on her part, but she said that she felt God was calling her to go on the trip...and she needed to go where God was calling her. I am so glad I got to know her a little bit, what an amazing young woman - always smiling and encouraging.

5) My brother-in-law Rich Brubaker joined us. Rich is a pastor/missionary at the University of Oregon in Eugene. I got the pleasure to be with Rich on a door to door evangelism team along with Sayda and Sallie and two of the ladies from the local church. Rich was instrumental in working with Sayda to bring a woman to the Lord. How exciting to be a part of that. That made the whole trip (all the costs, preparation and challenges) worth while.

6) Watching the first time mission participants. Sallie Palafox, Jon Hutchinson, Rich Brubaker and Michael Harrington were participating on their first ever mission trip outside of the USA. They didn't know what to expect, but were taking a "leap of faith" and following the command of Jesus Christ to "Go and make disciples of all nations." How exciting to see how Christ worked through each of them and blessed them.

7) Gary & Geri Dunfee have such servant's hearts. They put in so many hours doing prep work for the trip. Making sure the vehicles were ready, doing all the shopping for food & VBS supplies and so many other things behind the scenes...what great examples.

8) Sayda Wickman who is one our bilingual participants really had it on her heart to do a women's Bible study this year, and she put together a great one. Over 20 women were able to learn from her knowledge and listened attentively and then peppered her with questions. She did an amazing job.

9) Lupita (Sayda's 10 year old daughter) stepped up and became a translator this year. How wonderful to see her willingly take on this role. She actually went out with her own evangelism team (with Geri's help) and got us out of a few jams.

10) Melissa Renner tried to hand off the VBS duties this year, she wanted to be involved in the women's Bible study with Sayda. But God had other plans for her, he made it abundantly clear that she needed to be in the VBS and that is where she went, she does such an amazing job coordinating all of us non-Spanish speakers and getting the Spanish speaking kids to follow our lead. Well done Melissa. Of course Michelle & Merry Doty did so much of the VBS prep work and also deserve special recognition.

11) The Mexican kids love playing with our teens, but it was exciting to see the relationship that Sarah Vasnik made with Nancy and that Connor Southerton made with Elias. They were inseperable, and I'm pretty sure tears were shed when the week ended. Just shows how language isn't a barrier to Christ's love.

12) At the end of the last outreach service, all the church members came up to the front of the church where our group was standing and thanked us for what was done this week. There were many hugs and even cheek kisses shared - this is showing the highest level of respect in their culture, it was truely amazing to be a part of it.

13) So many spiritual battles. Satan was doing his best to discourage us, but Jesus won every battle. This group was so unified, it was amazing. For a group of 38, you would expect some conflict - but it never happened - what a blessing.

14) I have to mention the Beckham family. We set a new record for youngest participant. Hudson is 14 months old. In all, Tim & Tarena have 5 kids, the oldest - Keaton - is 8 years old. I have to give a hat's off to Tim & Tarena. They managed to keep watch over their kids and still be able to participate in all of our mission activities.

15) The long drive. Yes it is long, over 20 hours, but I wouldn't do it any other way. There is no other way to get to know your fellow team members better than to be stuck in a vehicle with them, and then sleep on church floors together along the way. What a great way to build meaningful relationships, we have some pretty amazing conversations too. Of course if you are unable to sit in a car that long we will be glad to line up a flight in and out of San Diego.

16) The sound of guns, bullets whizzing by overhead, explosions, and the constant threat from drug cartels. Well, we didn't experience any of it. I'm not saying these things are not a problem in some parts of Mexico, but certainly nowhere near where we were serving. The media has certainly done a good job of scaring many potential short-term missionaries away from coming to Mexico. This is a battle that many of us in the United States are letting Satan win. There are so many people in Mexico needing to hear about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately short term mission teams coming to Mexico have decreased in the past few years because of the fear mongering by our media. If you feel Jesus giving you a nudge, but are holding back from participating in the Spring Break or Summer trips because you are concerned about the violence that you hear about on television, please talk to any of the participants on this trip and I am sure they will happily answer your questions and ease your concerns.

Well, time to take a break. In the next few weeks our trip leaders will be talking about what worked, and what didn't work this year. What tweeks should we make for next year. We already know we will be going next Spring Break, there is no question there. In about 6 months we will have our first official informational meeting and the countdowns will begin. If you have any questions about participating next year please track me down, or any of the other participants. The trip costs only around $450 per adult - less for kids, and I would be happy to work with you on a savings plan to set a small percentage away monthly. We also will be doing fund raisers to help offset a portion or all of your trip costs.

Please prayerfully consider joining us next year. You can learn more about the mission group we work with at

In His Service,
Brandon Chase

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