Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Love It When A Plan Comes Together.

Don't get me wrong, I love participating in missions trips. But, there is something I really enjoy about planning for the trip. I guess it isn't only missions trips, really its any trip. I love planning. I don't know why, maybe it just makes the trip that more satisfying - to see the plan come together???

I feel like this trip is the culmination of eight years of planning. As I put together the agendas for each of our planning meetings I used the same agendas that I first used in 2005 on our first Spring Break Mexico Missions Trip, each year I just change the date at the top and maybe add or subract one or two topics. The same is true of our driver's packets that I put together for each vehicle. Its the same thing as we used in 2005, but fine tuned with adjustments that we had to make last year and in anticipation of new things for this year. I spend hours in front of my computer mapping our trip and planning each stop. Google Maps is my best friend.

I keep telling myself that this should be the last time I ever have to adjust our driving schedule, but I'm sure next year will be a little different and require lots of new research. Oh well...I enjoy it.

So much planning to do for a missions trip. On this trip, we will be doing some construction work on the local community church, 5 VBS sessions, 2 community wide outreaches, 2 young adult outreaches, a door to door visitation and prayer ministry, a women's Bible study and 2 meals for the church and people of the community (chili hot dogs and omelets). And that takes lots of planning. Thankfully God has provided an excellent team, each person with a heart for serving the Lord and a willingness to plan each critical area mentioned above...not to mention cooking our meals at the base, making sure our vehicles are road worthy and doing all of the shopping - just to name a few.

And after all this planning, hours and hours of it, each of us expects that God will step right in and say "now let Me show you how this is really going to happen." On a missions trip, it is very rare for things to go as planned. We have all the best intentions, want to be in control, want to do things our way. I truely feel that each person on our team wants to go to Mexico to help those who are in need, share the Bible with those that have not heard, and expand the Kingdom of God. But those of us that have participated in a mission trip in the past know that God will work his plan through us, in His way, not ours. Those on our team who have not been on a missions trip before will learn this quickly.

I want to thank a few of our team members for all that they have done and will be doing to make this trip a success. I know everyone has been busy, but I want to give a special thanks to the following people:

Gary & Geri Dunfee -
These two have put in so many countless hours preparing for the trip. They truely have servant's hearts. Gary had taken it upon himself to make sure that the church vehicles are ready to make the long trip, and Geri has done all of the shopping for our food and supplies that we will need while at the base.

Geoff Barrett & Adam Doty-
Geoff has taken it upon himself to put together the young adult outreaches that we will be doing. Geoff has a real heart for young people and looks forward to sharing the love of Christ with them. Adam has a heart for theater and is coordinating a group of our young people to put on skits while in Mexico, he will also be helping Geoff by speaking in the youth outreach services.

Michelle Doty -
Michelle, with the help and guidance of Geri and Melissa Renner has taken over a lot of the responsiblities of preparing for our VBS activities. (We expect 200+ kids each day, thats a lot of prep work)

Pat Smith-
Pat will be responsible for cooking and feeding our team while at the base camp. That is 2 meals a day for 6 days for 38 people.

I know that all 38 of us will be contributing in some way, and your work and efforts are very appreciated.

Each of us knows that we are there to serve those in Mexico, and to show the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ in all of our actions. We know that even though we have our own plans, God has even bigger plans.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

I love it when a plan comes together.

In His Service,
Brandon Chase

1 comment:

  1. Yes, thank you (!!!) To all of those listed above (Brandon, I include you on behalf of our whole team), you amaze me with your hard work and self-less service for our Lord! I can just hear Him now..."Well done my good and faithful servant."!!
    So excited and honored to be serving with you all!
