Thursday, March 29, 2012

is it worth it

I didn't commit to going to Mexico until last minute so I didn't build myself up or plan much. I came down to be available, to fill in as things seemed to open up.
When we drove in to the base camp, good memories came back to me from 4 years ago. There's an oasis style parking area, clean surroundings, clean rooms, everything we need. Then a thorough orientation by the mission's missionary, Mike and family. This is one of the highlites as it is informative, as well as instructional.
This is my second trip with Casa DeLuz - Go Missions to Mexico, so I had an understanding of what was in store for me for culture etc. My topic is mostly about my experience with our own folks. If you are reading the blogs you are connecting with many of the folks.
Tarena and Tim Beckham's family of 4 boys and a girl. It is so nice to watch a young family, that can roll with the ups/downs as they serve Him. Jon Hutchenson, the guy that turns out to be a a teddy bear of a guy that kids gravitate to, he is patient with those that need it most and gives positive words to those that need it. He has become a great help in mentoring Ryan.
Sallie is refreshing her knowledge of Spanish, and shared her sweet spirit to all. Pat Smith, the head cook, the imaginative and gourmet meals are fantastic. The young adults, swinging the little kids onto their shoulders, piggy back runs, chasing the kids around. "The skit" - the meaningful Skit, not just acting, but a flow and chemistry that made you feel the impact of Christ in our lives if you make HIM number one. Hunter won't be the same, the young Mexican teen girls found out he is 12, I thought he shyly and inwardly might be enjoying run 'from' them as they swooned over him and his golden wavy hair, all for the glory of God I'm sure. Gary, Geri, Barb, Greg, Melissa the experienced hands at this trip with Brandon - what workerbees for the Lord, with help of many, another successful VBS program. I even got involved as I used my few Mexican words, bonita (beautiful), bueno (good), mas (more) etc..... as they made there crafts all for the name of Jesus.
The first message by my son Brandon, I am proud of him for the leadership role, the delegating role and the quiet spirit he has to honor God in this way, then to add to it, an hour message about-- religion is not what we worship, the church is not -- what we are to worship is the person of Jesus Christ - to have a 'relationship' with Him. Something we all should remind ourselves regularly, we have pride in what we can see and touch but we 'HAVE' JESUS as the number one of our life.
who did I forget, oh myself, an old timer now, ouch.
I'm still not sure what I gave to the mission trip, I had the honor to drive one of the church vans, to work on removing shingles from a roof, to wind wire onto rebar metal, to cut crafts and assemble them with little kids. To eat with fellow Christians, to become close to them, to pray with them to sing with them, to weep with them to raise our hands, voices and hearts to our JESUS together. To openingly commune, verbalize and witness the Name of Jesus with them. I cleaned floors, washed dishes, burned the garbage, took the food garbage to the pit, sat with them, discuss things with them.
So Jesus-- what did you want me to give to the Mexico people or the CCC people for that matter?
I recieved so much that to figure out what I was to give is hard, but I recieved much, I was served by fellow Christians of both colors, I was fed by Christians of both colors, I was blessed by Christians of both colors.
The topping of all was Sayda's service of ministering to the Women of the community. To be asked to study with her, a burning question that they asked-- Is wearing a dress in church a New Testament directive? It reminds me of a few decades ago, coming out of Illinois largest Sunday School in the world. They maintained the premise - women must wear a dress in service. It would be interesting to know if that is still required today. So my view of scripture was it was not required - but we were reminded by Paul, when meeting with someone with different customs, we are to humble ourselves and participate within that custom so to not be a stumbling block or arrogant.
Half of us got a 24 ish hour bug of some sort, a nausance and not fun but at least generally able to get thru it one by one.
Then the heartfelt/tearful good-byes on Thursday of new found friends - friends that were not looking only at us as Americans but more importantly 'Fellow Christians'.
So I left, believing I helped, believing it was a valuable and worth while trip. Becoming 'close' traveling friends with my existing American/Canby friends. To be blessed by the young adults Van riding fun, to hear them sing, talk, support, encourage each other in there own way. To see them grow as they, as much as anyone, LOVED the people and especially the little kids, that they even called their own.
Yes it was time well spent, it was rewarding and it was good.

-- Ron Chase

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This trip has been absolutely nothing like I had imagined in so many ways....... After traveling for two days from Canby to Baja California, we arrived at our destination (near Camalu) and everyone got out of the vans and truck......except me. I was paniced because I couldn't find my purse (with my passport, driver's license, debit card, over $200 in cash plus other ID's and things that I couldn't even remember). With tears in my eyes that I couldn't hold back, I climbed out of the van to come face to face with Mike "Miguel" Fink, the director of Go Missions To Mexico, the compound where we are staying. Brandon asked me what was wrong and I told him I couldn't find my purse....and our group formed a circle (with Mike) and prayed that it would be found. Mike went to his office along with Susan, Melissa, Robin, Ron and me. Mike and the girls got on the phones looking up international numbers for Chase Bank, Burger King (where we had lunch in Ensenada, the Ensenada police. The Spanish speakers, Mike, Susan and Melissa began making calls.....while I stood there in a daze. Mike told me that he hated to be the bearer of bad news, but chances were slim that I would ever see my purse again. I went to my room in the dorm area when the gals I was rooming with had already unpacked my luggage and set up my area and made my bed. Feeling pretty "low" I went to the kitchen (where I was supposed to be helping Pat and Geri prepare our first meal)....and Merry and Michelle Doty were taking my place and helping them......They told me that they had just prayed that God would protect my purse and it's contents. I went back to my room to unpack the rest of my things....and just a few minutes later I heard all this yelliing and clapping hands out in the dining room, so I stepped out of my room to see what was going on....and Mike, the director, had come over from his office and said the Ensenada Police had called back......retrieved my purse from Burger King.....and was holding it at a police substation in Ensenada. We were all hugging (and I was crying) and praising God. IT WAS A MIRACLE for sure!! It was on a Sat. and we couldn't pick it up intil Monday, so we were just praying that my passport and driver's license.....and the important things were in tact in my purse......We doubted the money would be there, but still we didn't doubt that God cares and can perform miracles. We had a great Sat. evening and Sunday was amazing at the little church in Triki where we are doing our work this week. I have never given a testimony in front of a group of people, but I gave a testimony in front of the whole church of sweet Mexican people AND our missions group....and Sayda translated for me.....and I read Prov. 3:5 & 6 in Spanish .....and I just felt on cloud "9" that night! The music was wonderful and the little Mexican girls dancing to the praises of God with their tamborines were like little angels......and the worshipers sitting in front of me praising God with all of their hearts.....well, I had tears in my eyes most of the evening while I sat there feeling God surrounding me. Brandon's message that night was amazing.....and the tamale dinner and love and fellowship that the Mexican folks lavished on us was like a dream. So much love and kindness and smiles just radiated from their happy faces. Well, Monday dawned and Greg Newman offered to drive me up to Ensenada (a great sacrifice beings it is a 2 1/2 hour drive from Camalu) along with Susan Dunfee (to translate for us) and PC came along, too. First we went to Burger King to thank them for holding my purse for the police to pick up.....then to the police station that they said had it.....That station said they didn't have it, but called around and found the station that had it.......We drove to where we thought they told us (by their directions) and that police station directed us back to a 3rd police station. Well, the third substation DID have it.....and as soon as we told them who we were, they seemed so excited to go to a filing cabinet in their little tiny office and unlock it.......and as he, the officer, was getting it out.....I saw it and started crying again! He (Antonio Gonzalez Lopez, the officer who went to Burger King and got my purse) brought it to the counter and had me open it and get everything out so he could write down what was in there, so I could sign papers that everything was there. EVERYTHING was there plus I had more cash than I realized I even brought with me..... and even my Fisherman's License was in there that I got when I first started going to Canby Christian Church six years ago!! most important license! The other policemen (Humberto Duran Duran and Ariel Carrillo Gastelum) on duty that day were all smiling and happy and fun and funny and we took pictures and hugged and laughed. The people at all three police stations were trying so hard to help us in every way.....and the officers that gave me my purse particularly melted any doubt I may have had in the honesty of the people of Baja in the Mexican fast food restaurant.....within the police department......and after meeting the people in the church and in the neighborhoods where we are evangeliziing. Today has been amazing in our evangelizing in Triki. Brandon pretty much covered our group in his blog, but I stood in amazement as the young gal accepted Christ right there with her little kids running around her yard.....and dogs wandering around, the sun beating down.....and God right there in our midst. While Sayda was praying with her, Rich and Brandon and I looked up and two white doves were flying over us. Whew..... I can't express each day's events and happenings in this blog because you may have already shut me down 20 lines back. I just sincerely and whole heartedly express my gratitude to God, my team buddies on this trip, the people of Baja......but mostly my God! Thank you, God. You are more than words can express!

My love to all of you who are praying for us (and everyone else, too!),
Sallie Palafox

An amazing day

I'm exhausted and ready for bed, but really want to share some of the events of this day. Oh, what a day!!!

The morning started off as usual, once we arrived in the community where we are serving we split into 2 different groups. One group that would be working on construction at the church - painting, rebar work and dismantling the pastor's old house, which is in the middle of the new church. The second group was to go into the community and do evangelism and prayer - door to door. The evangelism half was split further into 3 groups, each with their own translator and representatives from the local church. The group I was in consisted of myself, Rich Brubaker (my brother-in-law), Sallie Palafox, Sayda Wickman and our two church representatives - Gresellia and MariaElena.

We started at a house where there were 4 young children out in front. Gresellia who is a grandmother and probably 4 feet tall if I am generous, an indiginous woman from Oaxaca in southern Mexico was the leader of our group. Gresellia approached these children and discovered that they are left at home alone each day. Their father is an alchoholic and absent most of the time, their mother works all day in the fields and earns around $7 per day - which her husband takes and uses to fund his addiction. Sayda immediately jumped into the conversation and we spent probably the next 30 minutes visiting with these children. They are scared because they are left alone all day with nobody to watch over them, and they are worried about what might happen if their father came home while their mother is away. Sayda shared the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den and explained to them that even when they are alone, God is watching over them. We prayed with them as a group and then finished with Gresellia singing a song aided by her tamborine.

Over the next couple of hours we visited a few other people, had a couple men refuse to speak with us, but then came upon a young woman doing her laundry in her yard. Sayda quickly began talking with her. This woman, who was around 25 years old with small children, had so many questions. Sayda kept asking us to find a verse to answer this question, find a verse to answer the next question. Rich, who is a pastor in Eugene, got very involved in the conversation and even walked the woman through a prayer asking Jesus into her heart (translated through Sayda). This was certainly the highlight of our evangelism team's morning.

For lunch we were served another amazing lunch by the ladies in the church. These authentic Mexican meals are always such a highlight.

After lunch, we did a VBS for the children and there were around 200 children in attendance. Melissa, Geri and Susan do so much to make this successful, of course they couldn't do it without the help of the rest of our team. The best way that I could describe one of these VBS sessions is like trying to herd cats. But with God's help, they get it done.

At the same time that the VBS was happening, Sayda was leading a women's Bible study with about 20 women present. That grew from 12 yesterday. Sayda is an amazing teacher and really knows the Bible. She had these women captivated for 2 hours - she could have gone for hours more.

After dinner, we ended the day with a youth outreach. The youth of our church had put this together under the leadership of Geoff Barrett and Adam Doty. Tonight was the second and final night of the youth outreach and it was a huge success. I got the pleasure of being able to attend both. I am so proud and amazed by the youth in our church. Adam put together a skit which we did a couple nights ago in the adult outreach and they did again today in the youth outreach - we will be doing this for our whole church family in the very near future - it will bring tears to your eyes and bring you to your feet with applause. After the skit, Adam explained what it meant and the importance of having a meaningful relationship with Jesus. This was followed by 2 testimonies (Chris Miller & Isaac Williams tonight, Conner Southerton & Sarah Vasnik last night). These kids are amazing and the things they have experienced in their lives really struck a chord with the kids in Mexico. Geoff finished up tonight's outreach speaking about training to win, whether in boxing, running or in our Christian walk. All our young adults were amazing.

I am so greatful to our entire team. We are working as a team and there have been no conflicts, which is amazing when there are 38 of us. Please keep us in your prayers. We still have a day and a half left of ministry. We are getting really tired, but Jesus and adrenalin are keeping us going.

In His Service,
Brandon Chase

Friday's travels

Friday morning we woke up at 5am (yes...not much sleep!) and running on giddy adrenaline we rolled up our sleeping gear, got changed and I cooked our kids some eggs as we were not stopping for a couple hours for breakfast (but they hardly ate anything as there was others riding in our van with us and it was too much fun!). It was weird to arrive at that church while it was still dark and then leave again in darkness!

We enjoyed at beautiful drive with the sun comming up and arrived quickly at a resturant for breakfast-it was delicious!

After driving again for awhile we stopped at a rest stop and as we turned off the van smoke started pouring out of one side of the engine! We opened the hood and found that a rubber tube to the coolant had rubbed raw from all the driving and coolant was burning on the engine. Thankfully, we had lots of guys who know vehicles and they figured we would have to get new tubing. We decided to switch some of the car seats around into different vehicles so some guys could stay back and get a new tube while the rest of us continued on.

It was really fun to get into a different vehicle and sitting next to new people (we have had the chance to really chat and get to know others when we sit near them for a couple of hours-I LOVE IT!) Auston was sitting next to Mel for awhile and she shared some of her fun electronic toys...they "raised the roof" together.

Playing a fun game with mama to make hours go faster.

At lunch we stopped again for an hour to eat and let everyone stretch or run around.

We found that even though we are trying to eat healthy we have found salads at fast food resturants that we can eat and fruit and even hardboiled eggs at rest stops...Auston loves his hardboiled eggs!

Too much driving, lack of sleep, excitement and siblings sitting too close=cat fight.
No I'm not kidding...Abbi and Jackson just started swinging at each other-if I wasn't their mother, I'm sure I would have found it funny. After they freaked out at each other I made Abbi get up and sit in a different row. I couldn't believe the way they acted-and over who knows what!
Right after their tiff...this is what we found...

Talk about exhausted!!

Going through (actually around) LA...traffic as the sun sets. A long day of driving.
We all met up at dinner with the team that stayed back to fix the van as we stopped for dinner.  We were all getting to the exhaustion phase and I was feeling the "oh goodness was this a good decision to do this whole trip?" as we pulled into the church we were going to stay at around midnight.
It was a very long day. And I'm sure we were all REALLY glad to get unloaded and into bed as fast as possible. Thankfully, this evening the kids were out like a light!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Connor Southerton's first few days in mexico

Only Monday, Wow. It's only Monday and already God has changed my life in so many ways. I've already found a little buddy who is an awesome little boy and I wish we had more time together.  Tonight (Tuesday) at the teen outreach I gave my testimony and I was extremely nervous, but when I got up there God just gave me the words to say and with Melissa's help I feel like God really worked through us to benefit the teenage kids.  I can't wait for the rest of the week to see what God has planned for us.  Please continue to pray for us and the church we are working at.

God Bless
                 Connor Southerton

Back in Mexico

Hello to my church family and any one who might reed this I am Adam and I am in Mexico!

I always forget how much fun it is here and how much I get from it. Laughing and learning with Robin, playing cards with Pat, putting my hand on my head (facepalm) at everything that Geoff says, and seeing all that God is doing in Mexico! This year i am with a great encouraging team with lost of first timers. We are doing good but the powers of darkness are present in the form of confusion, misunderstandings, sickness, losing or forgetting things, and exhaustion or laziness it is hard sometimes to tell the difference. But with all this going on at the end of the day or the next morning i can see all that God is doing. Keep praying for us as we take on the challenges of each new day because we are not going to make it without God. thank you Dios le bendiga (God bless you)

PS Notice that Guns and Drugs are not on the list of problems.

Mexico Work Day Two.

                     Started the morning off with some breakfast and worship... Then we're off to the work site. Adam and I dug a nice little hole, it was only 12X12 ft hole for the bano... It is very humbling when the people with so little buy and surprise you with something they love and enjoy so much, a coke. While Adam and I continued to dig the hole our new amigos (friends), went down to the store and bought us coke. I never thought I would think of a coke as such an act of love... So later Adam and I went down to the same store to repay our new friends with the same gift they gave us... They we're very thankful to get the cokes from us... I have found a new love for the people here, the kids are adorable, the people are so friendly, and the food oh the food it is delicious. I have had alot of fun so far talking to the people in Spanish!
                                              God bless,
                                                        -Chris Miller.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Traveling Thursday

Hello, hello!

Well, I hope to catch you all up to date with pictures now that we are getting the internet situation worked out! Sorry to keep you all in waiting! We have really appreciated all your prayers.

Kids climbing in the van, ready to go and saying goodbye to their grandparents!

Our whole family at the church! So excited that our dream is comming true!

Everyone gathering and packing up the last of the supplies and "carry-ons". This took a little longer than I thought it would and we even started off a few minutes late. There are a lot of little last minute details that have to be worked out and making sure that everyone has everything and all the walkie-talkies are ready to go!

Trailer is completly full.

Everyone (and some family members) gathered around to go over some important details.

Ken sayed a prayer for our team to send us off! Thank you to everyone for your prayers!

Here we go!! The kids were so excited to finally get into all their travel goodies! They kept trying to get a peak at them in our bedroom the past week!

Our little caravan...we're following the leader, the leader, the leader, we're following the leader wherever he may go...Mexico hopefully!

Tim loves to drive and plan our trips, so he is excited to be taking a "road trip"! (Look at the snow in the background as we left the area.)

Having fun and getting creative (the pipe cleaners were one of the favorites! Mommy and Daddy liked how quiet that toy was too! lol!)

Goodbye beautiful Oregon.

Traveling at night...we had a couple of flashlights, but the kids LOVED the glow-in-the-dark bracelets/necklaces from Lissa!! Michelle and Merry joined us for a bit, which was really helpful as it was dark and the kids enjoyed some new and dad aren't that exciting! lol! =) I did have to sneak back to the front row seats during this part of the drive and nurse Hudson while he was still in his seat. He did so well the whole drive and the kids have been awesome about waiting to go to the bathroom when we come to a reststop...we do have to encourage them to hold it, but they are troopers! =)

Overall the kids did really well...the new toys were a big help! We pulled into Redding, CA and stopped to stay the night at a church just outside of town. We arrived around 11:30 or so and quickly unpacked what we needed for the night. The team was spread out in about 4 different rooms and our family was blessed to have our own room.

The kids had fallen asleep before our last stop, so they were still full of energy and excitement for the trip. It took them until around 12:30 to fall asleep. We did have a bit of Wi-Fi and I tried to post some on here, but it bumped me off, and I was too tired to keep trying to post, so I hope you don't mind me playing a little catch up!

Our van does seem to be having some troubles...we have two gas tanks and after the front one was empty, Tim switched to the back and found that it isn't working very well...possibly something to do with the fuel line? We have a few guesses. We did have to make an "emergency stop" at the closest gas station after we switched to get more gas. Thankfully we didn't run out! The Lord is watching over us...even if it is a bit stressful for a momment!

I feel really good on this trip...the healthy way we are eating has helped me not feel quite so dizzy or yucky while traveling. We are all still super excited, but getting a bit tired after a busy day. We hope to catch up on our sleep soon...(if that's even possible on a mission trip with a family!! lol!!)

The team is really working together well, I am thankful for all the extra hands and eyes for my kids and even though there have been some unexpected delays, everyone seems to be understanding and loving. Lots of fun going on!

Keep praying! More traveling to come!

(ps...please pray for good internet connections to keep all our family and friends up to date! It also helps when it is fast so I can spend less time on here and more time being involved. And you must know that I love you all as I am doing this fast and just putting the pictures online SOOC (Straight Out Of the Camera), so please excuse any darker images...its all just the raw truth of real life!lol!)