Monday, January 16, 2012

Photos for passports...

Today I went online to find out more info about passports. There was an awesome tool that allowed you to take a picture and then it would crop it for you to be the right size for the passport photo! How handy is that, so I lined us all up and took pictures...the results from the photoshoot and online cropping tool are above. I was thinking we needed "straight faces" so that is why we all look so awful...very somber! lol! 

A few of these were the "outtakes", but they were just too cute not to include on here.
When I started looking online at the places to get our passports processed, I decided we would just go to a post office that processes passports. Simple enough. I looked at the prices and couldn't find any pricing for the pictures...does this mean they are included?? I figured they must be included, so I didn't print out any of the photos we took at home.

Bad move. 

They do charge to take pictures...they just don't mention it ANYWHERE on the website! Big bummer...this simple mistake (I should have called in and asked!) cost us $15 per person. PER PERSON!!

That's right, they charge $15 to hold a simple camera up to you and print out a picture. 

Word to the wise...go online, use the passport photo cropping tool, sent the picture to to have it printed out for a whopping .10 and save yourself $14.90! 

Oh least we found out we could smile and all of our pictures turned out so much better than the somber ones we took at home! =) lol!

And it's nice that passports don't expire for many years to come! 

Pictures of our adventure getting passports to come soon!

Serving Him,

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