Sunday, January 15, 2012

Meeting at church

Today we had a meeting with nearly everyone who has committed to going on the trip.

It was a wonderful chance to see who will be going and also to get caught up and reminded of all that needs to get done these next couple of months. It is hard to believe how soon we will be leaving...less than 10 weeks from today.

At the meeting we went over some of the info we covered at the last meeting just as a reminder or to inform those who weren't at the last meeting. I loved getting to hear the "inside info" on helpful things to bring, will really help with my planning and packing. We talked about dress codes, payment schedule, and a few other things. It was only about an hour long meeting, but it was a good chance to get up to date on where we are.

The reality of getting our passports done asap really hit me. They take awhile to process too, so hopefully we can do that within this next week.

I'm getting so excited to go...and a bit overwhelmed at what needs to get done. I know the Lord will provide and work out all the details as He always does.

Serving Him,

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