Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Letter from Brandon

Brandon sent out a Facebook letter:
"Can you believe it is less than 6 months until our next mission trip to Mexico? I promise not to start a count down (yet).

Anyways, I want to get some very important info to those of your that were unable to attend last week's informational meeting.

First of all, the dates of the trip are: March 22 - April 1, 2012 (March 24 - March 30 if flying).

Cost is $450 per person 13 y/o+, $350 per 6-12 y/o and $65 for 5 y/o and under. There is a price break of $50 for anybody who commits to go on the trip by December 4, 2011 and makes a $100 deposit ($50 deposit if 12 y/o or under). The discount doesn't apply if 5 y/o or under. This cost covers all trip expenses except food on the drive down and back, and hotel costs if you choose to not stay in the free churches along the way. Of course if you choose to fly, that will be at your expense also.

We have come up with this pricing structure to make it affordable for families to be able to participate, and to encourage early commitments so we can get a jump start on lining up vehicles. There will also be optional fund raising opportunities made available to reduce the amount required, for those that want to participate.

I hope all of you have had the opportunity to visit the mission website at www.gomissionstomexico.com - if not, I encourage you to do so.

Please prayerfully consider joining us for Spring Break 2012. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

In His Service,
Brandon Chase"
Great info to keep in mind...shocking how inexpensive it is to go! (There are a few additional costs: passport if you don't have one yet, $20 to cover lunches for the week as the church we are helping is going to cook for us, meals on the way down and back and some spending money if needed!).

I'm going to have to figure our costs out a bit differently as our family will be driving our own vehicle and paying for our own gas...it comes out about the same per person...so we are looking around $3,000.

Depending on gas prices. Oh, gas prices-why do you rise???

Serving Him,

Sunday, September 18, 2011

First meeting

Today we had the first Spring Break Mexico Mission Trip 2012 meeting. It went really well and there seemed to be a good turn out for those who are interested in attending. There is also a great age range-very cool! Lots of people who have gone before and also a lot of newbies to this group!

We were given a few handouts going over the break down of costs and also what the schedule for the trip would look like. There will be lots of fundraising opportunities and they sound really fun-especially the taco feed.

Now let's pray that we can get the vacation time off and we are all set to go!

Serving Him,

Monday, September 12, 2011

Going to Mexico?

Abbi and Hudson, September 2011

We have prayed about it and we are going to Mexico!

Our dream is coming true!

Serving Him,